September 1, 2023
Exercise and Mental Health
In our previous article, “Nutrition & Mental Health,” we looked into the...
Read the articleAugust 3, 2023
Metabolism and Mental Health | Part 1
Mental health is considered by many ...
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August 3, 2023
Nutrition and Mental Health
The previous article on metabolism and mental health explor...
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March 1, 2023
Breathing & Psychological Stress: A two-way street
For millennia humans have leveraged the power ...
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January 20, 2023
Heart rate variability: A valuable biomarker with a major impact on physiological and psychological health
Heart rate is the number of heartbeats per min...
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September 20, 2022
Chronic stress & the effect on energy balance
Life in modern societies is very demanding, with us all thr...
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July 20, 2022
How breathing impacts emotions and pain
We have all experienced moments of fear, excitement, and pa...
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